reader, please accept my humble apologies for the delay in the compilation of
this set of battle reports. I have been, and still am struck down with a virus
that has made all forms of narcissism such as blogging and vlogging difficult.
on the 5th of March I attended the Sanctuary Games X-wing Store
Championships in Sutton in Ashfield. And on this jaunt I had a driving buddy!
Shane from Weekend Warlords in Loughborough was along for the ride, with his
triple YV-666 list, which drew a lot of admiring looks (plus a sizeable amount
of wins) over the course of the day. The Sanctuary “store” is actually a
reasonably sized de-commissioned church, lovingly kitted out with a lot of gaming tables (there were 16
games of x-wing going on, and we weren’t using more than a ¼ of the space!), a
kitchen to buy coffee and pizza, and some decent toilets. Being a Christian, it
is not unusual for me to spend hours in a church praying, but attending a
tournament there would require a weirdly different kind of prayers. I would
deffo recommend the venue, it’s got a certain sense of grandeur.
formation flying! |
this second store championships in succession I took my 4 Scum Y-Wings with
Twin Laser Turrets (TLTs) and Unhinged Astromechs (all speed 3 moves are
green). This is partly because I really like flying the list, but there were a
couple of other serious reasons. Firstly, whilst I’m sure wave 8 will shake up
the meta I may well take some version of this list to regionals in May so I
wanted more practice against different lists. Secondly, with only 1 game night
in-between to prepare I would have effectively been flying a new list cold at a
first game was against a very friendly chap called Paul who was flying the
Alozen (free target locks at range 1)
Colzet (spend a target lock to flip a damage card face up)
Tie Advanced
three all had the title, and the advanced targeting computer which allows you
add a crit if you have a target lock)
Leader with Juke and Comm relay for un-blockable shots
have to confess, I completely underestimated this list. Nothing special I
thought. I mean I know Omega Leader is a pain, but even so I thought “this
should be a walked in the park”. What a n00b I was. And more importantly, what
a disservice I did to my opponent. I deployed in the bottom right, with Paul in
the top left. I went straight up the flank, and we engaged ¾ of the way up the
star field. In the first engagement, I
think managed to maul one of the Tie Advanced’s, but in return one of the
y-wings started to eat crits, and became ps0. I then completely forgot that
this meant he’d be moving first, and this poor chap bumped, instead of
masterfully dodging out the way. Then Paul burnt him down.
then had a very close range dogfight in the top right hand corner of the map,
where I tried to get cute and double or even triple guess my opponent. This
worked about 50% of the time, but trying to block with the y-wings means that
they don’t really get shots. I eventually ran for it, with my 2 remaining
ships, hotly pursed by Omega Leader and Alozen. I traded Omega Leader for a
y-wing, but began triple or quadruple guessing myself in an effort to take the
last point of health off Alozen. So much so, that instead of head on jousting
with him I turned towards the board edge, and left myself with nothing to do
but fly off the edge of the board. This of course, cost me the game.
Loss 74 – 100
they do not have 1 sharp turns. |
second opponent was a chap called Alex, fielding my favourite B-wing Keyan
Farlander and Han Solo, both fairly heavily tricked out. This time I went
bottom left hand corner, and he went opposite in the top right. I sped up the
flank, not wanting to get caught in the side by his heavy firepower, and he
swooped in, boosting with both ships. We engaged ¾ of the way up the board,
with his targeting computers locking onto the engine glow of my y-wings. The
combination of a B-Wing and a Millennium Falcon at short range began to make
short work of my fleet. However! They both only have 1 evade dice, so my
turrets sliced through the b-wing in just over a turn, leaving me with a very
angry Han Solo against 3 y-wings.
this is Alex, wondering why the hell im taking a video of him |
have to confess, I got somewhat lucky here as I correctly guessed so of Alex’s
moves and was able to block the Falcon with the y-wing he was trying to kill
(if they’re touching they can’t shoot each other). That meant he couldn’t focus
his fire down, and I was able to keep chipping away at him. After a few turns
of this, Alex tried to break out of my trap, and it nearly left him in a
perfect position to even the odds somewhat, but the dice failed him. I wrapped
this one up with a win.
Win 100 – 25
following game 1, i couldnt believe this |
three then. And I end facing the guy that Alex travelled with, called Joseph.
He had the other B-wing Pilot (Ten Numb) with a Mangler cannon, Blount with Ion
Pulse missiles and Corran Horn with all the normal stuff. This game was a
matter of honour for Joseph, who wanted to prove that he had the better b-wing
than Alex. I set up in the bottom right, and he chose to joust me. So I immediately
ran away, and in his haste to catch me, the angle meant that his ships got
drawn into a line and when we did engage in the bottom centre Ten Numb was out
of range for the first round of shooting.
meant that I lit Corran Horn up like the Death Star on a Friday night. However,
he’s a tricksy one and came through, with one or two hull left. At least for
that turn. I sent him downtown the next turn, but this had allowed Ten Numb to
close and prove his worth, whilst Blount had used his auto hitting Ion Missiles
to stall a y-wing in the middle of my line astern formation. So I starbursted,
flying my y-wings every-which-way in an effort to land his remaining pilots in
a kill box. They helpfully obliged and whilst unblockable Critical Hits were
very painful, being in the middle of TLT kill box was a deciding factor. I
rolled of the winner.
Win 100 – 50 (giving Joseph bragging rights over Alex)
thats me! left middle, with Shane next one down |
my 4th game of Swiss, I played a friendly chap called Richard. (on
reflection I noticed that he was the one who gave me parking advice, so
thanks!). Richard had two Tie Phantoms - Echo and Whisper and a named Tie
Fighter (im really sorry but I cant remember which one!) The most significant
thing on the Phantoms was sensor jammer over fire control system. This was
actually a bit of pain for me tactically speaking because I was shooting twice
with each ship, but only had 1 focus. So I had to think really smart about
tried to position the rocks to make it hard for him to hit me in the flank as I
came up the left side of the board, and I think It probably did a bit.
Crucially, I bottled trying to block echo’s decloak quite early on, Id
forgotten how manoeuvrable phantoms were! Instead of protecting the other 3
wings, I allowed both phantoms into range
1 and they started having a lot of fun. So I sped up, turned back into
the board and starbursted. In the process I took the Tie Fighter out, and also
got rid of Echo. This left me with 2 y-wings against Whisper. I was winning on
modified points, but knew that wouldn’t be good enough to make the cut, not
with a loss first round. So I turned around near my board edge and came back
for another pass. I decided to bank right, on the assumption that was the
unpredictable thing to do. Whisper then decloaked in the same direction and I
was gutted, I assumed id blown it. I moved my ships, and then Richard revealed
a hard 1 away from my y-wing, meaning he didn’t have a shot! Despair turned to
elation, and I was fortunate enough to take Whisper down that turn.
Win 100 – 50
Shane's YV-666 conga line of doom |
the final game of Swiss I faced a double Scum Firespray list, Kath Scarlet and
Boba Fett run by Jamie (I think, only name I forgot to write down sorry!). I
set up on the left, and he jousted me with Kath, whilst sending Boba to flank
me. I remembered my rule of 11 here, and blocked Kath out in the second
engagement, meaning she had no actions and she died that turn. Boba was more of
a problem, and he chased me around a bit. I starbursted to try and make sure I
was always getting 1 shot, and this helped a great deal. In what was to be the
last turn, I actually blocked Boba and would have forced him off the board if
it wasn’t for inertial dampeners. I was still able to just shoot him with
another y-wing, killing him and winning me the game.
Win 100 – 25.
my y-wings hunting down and blocking boba fett |
Top 4 Cut
I squeaked
into the top 4 in 4th place, getting another challenge coin (man I love
those!) and facing Darren, who had gone 5-0. Happily, Shane also made the top 4
cut. That meant that neither of us was waiting around for the other person, or
at least not yet! Darren was playing a list that had a YV-666 (bossk crew,
tactician and Gunner), 3x ps1 Binayre Pirates in z-95s, and a ps2 scum y-wing with a TLT and unhinged
astromech. Id noticed Darren from across the tables as he had a very cunning
fortress that meant he set up in a corner. I think people had been having
trouble because it forced them into a joust, and he could just sit there as
long as he wanted. Shane had faced him in the final round of swiss and lost,
and shared some wisdom with me.
it was something like this. although not completely like this. |
What I decided
to was head towards him on that flank, and see if he’d take the bait and come
out of his fortress. Either way, I wasn’t going to let myself get blocked up,
id just turn into the board regardless of whether he followed me or not. If he didn’t,
id circle back around and try again. And then again. Thankfully, he took the
bait. I think he knew that I didn’t need to face him conventionally what with
my turrets and all. On my first pass, after id turned in just outside range 3
of his fortress, he broke the following turn and came after me.
However, the
way he broke from the formation meant that I was able to chew off the ps1
corners of his fleet, bringing the entirety of my firepower to bear against
half his fleet on more than one occasion. He was very unlucky to land the
yv-666 on a rock (one of the big ones that id brought I think!) on a turn when
it was in range one of a nearly dead y-wing, which helped me out, and im not
convinced that his yv-666 dodged anything I threw at it, so I definitely had my
fair share of luck. It ended up with me taking down his y-wing with 3 of mine,
sealing me a place in the final.
Result: Win
And in the
final I faced Shane! Which was good for both of us in a way, as neither of us
would be hanging around for the other person. However, I was sure to make
several thinly (read not at all) veiled threats about his lift home. He didn’t listen
to those, in fact he was way to busy getting completely inside my head for the
first 30 minutes of our game, and it nearly ruined me! I had to start ignoring
him completely. I felt a bit rude, but I couldn’t handle it at all! It was like
the whole of basketball in a 3rd of the time. As a reminder, Shane
had the following: 3x ps2 YV-666, all
with ion projectors and feedback arrays. This loadout also gave him a small
initiative bid.
great film. great film. |
As per my
standard tactics, I set up some rocks to cover 1 flank, giving me the option to
creep up my left if I felt like it. I knew that Shane’s list was designed to
try and trap you, slapping ion tokens on you every which way and not allowing
you to break away. For some reason, I did nothing to stop this happening. I let
him box me into a corner, ioning 3 of my ships over various turns. I eventually
broke away with 2 y-wings, leaving the other 2 hulks behind. I had by this
point killed 1 and a half of his ships, and wasn’t fancying my chances. I regrouped
on my top right and this time skirted the top corner of his ships as they came
back around, managing to trade a y-wing for a yv-666.
No you idiot! dont get trapped there! |
I was suddenly
feeling a lot more optimistic. Pulling around back down my left flank, having
him chase me meant that he couldn’t trap me, and I was able to keep chipping
away at the final YV-666 until it blew up. And with that, I won my second store championships!
Some, from a
situation 2 weeks ago where I’d never won a wargames tourney, I’ve now won 2
x-wing store championships in 2 weeks! Sanctuary Games is a really amazing
location, being in an old church gives it a grand, imposing atmosphere. The facilities
are great, and the staff really friendly. It does get a bit chilly, so make
sure you take a jumper and a coat though!
Do come back later in the week, as i'm hoping to have vlogged this experience. I've got it all ready, i've just been way to ill to do any post production.
with a fancy glass trophy |