Saturday, 14 April 2012

Citadel Painting Guide Review

Hello all.

So after a week with the new Citadel paints I'm sure we all have our own ideas and things to say on them but I wanted to talk about the new guide as I am a big believer in passing on knowledge.

To start with I was a bit sceptical having been through most guides and articles Games Workshop have produced over the past 20 years. I was pleasantly surprised by this incarnation, unlike previous versions it has been done by Golden Daemon winners & Studio staff, it has a built-in stand, easy to see pictures and text. It also has a DVD with audio book excerpts.

There are (in my opinion) problems/faults/missing things with this book. The segments covering putting models together are very vague. You could put this down to the fact that there are things that you can't teach in a book and must learn from experience. Take pinning for example, completely missed out of the book, is a big part in putting certain models together or even repairing them!
I also feel that they missed a trick in not making it a "living" painting guide with extra page holders/wallets to add-in the guides from White Dwarf.

I don't want to go in to the fact that the Marine Poster Boys are in little quantity for a change but I will say "Aurora??".

All in all I believe the guide is a great product and well worth the investment even if just for the DVD.
So I hope this helps? Later this week I will be testing how the new paints go through GWs Spray Gun.............Good Luck to me!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Thanks for the interesting review. I have a question about this guide, though - who is it aimed at?

    It would seem to be meant for beginners, but then I can see the price tag and the insane amount of pots it tells you to get for just one colour would put new hobbyists off.

    Or is it supposed to cater for experienced painters, who are perhaps curious about the new paint range? In that case, how much use would it be in the longer term?

    1. I would say the guide is aimed at the beginner but with a lead towards helping experienced painters get used to the new paints. the dvd is great but i did feel that i knew what they were on about.
