Saturday, 31 December 2016
Kath Scarlet Repaint Video - DiceHate part 3 - Darksun 40
via IFTTT So Kris Sherriff from DiceHate and I have collaborated over a mini series on the Firespray. This repaint is part 3 of the series, and it turned out that I went for a green and white design! You can find the other videos in this mini series on Kris' channel (DiceHate) but just in case, here are the specific links: Part 1 - (where we waffle on about the paint jobs): (TBC) Part 2 - (Kris' painting video): Part 4 - (where we waffle on about lists): As you can see, I've gone for a faux Kath Scarlet scheme, to tie in with the rest of my scum fleet, and i'm reasonably pleased with the way its turned out. Really enjoyed collaborating with Kris, if this format proves popular then we might look at repeating it again in the future. We potentially could start moving onto more current ships. Music kindly provided by
Saturday, 24 December 2016
Blood Bowl Battle Report - Elven Union VS Dwarves Darksun 39
via IFTTT So a quick battle report from a pre-season game that I had this week with Matt Sheffield. His Dwarves faced my Elves. Suffice to say, lots of tense rolling of dice followed. My over thoughts? Special play cards are fun, and damn im rusty at this game! My Team was: 1 x Thrower, 2x Catcher, 2x Blitzer, 6x Linemen, 2x Reroll, 1 Apothecary Matts Team Was (I think): 2x Runners, 2x Blitzers, 2x Troll Slayers, 5x Linemen, Lots of Rerolls, 1 Fan Factor Music by Ben Sound. (
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Blood Bowl Paint Jobs - Darksun 38
via IFTTT Getting ready for the new Blood Bowl Season - finishing off paintign some extra catchers and an old school wardancer. Im probably gonna give Elven Union a try, and so im not sure what the Wardancer model will be. I need to dig out my Squig as hes the Head Coach. So the Wardancer might end up being an extra fancy lineman, or maybe the apothecary. With thanks to for the music :)
Blood Bowl Paint Jobs
So been painting up my final dudes, with some nicely highlighted glutes. Particularly pleased with the cloak on the wardancer, turned out way better than i'd hoped. Wet blending really helped!
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Bolt action league results
So last night I won my bolt action league! Here is the proof:

I went 7 wins with 1 draw and 2 losses over the last couple of months. Very pleased with the overall result obviously, but also since I've not really played bolt action prior to this term, exstatic to have a the juggernaughts trophy for a short while.
You can watch my latest vlog about bolt action here:
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